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Solar Permit-Ready Drawings
& Plan Sets

Solar Permit Design

Get permit-ready solar plan sets with engineering stamps
from the GreenLancer marketplace f
or residential, commercial, and utility-scale solar installations. 

The GreenLancer platform covers all 50 states and includes

professional engineering firms specializing in solar and energy storage.

What does a solar plan set include? 

  • Cover sheet with solar installation description

  • Notes and governing codes

  • Solar energy system site plan

  • Project plan & array layout

  • Solar module mounting and racking plan

  • Structural calculations for solar panels

  • Electrical details and line diagram

  • Electrical bill of materials

  • National Electrical Code (NEC) calculations

  • Safety placards & templates 

  • Datasheets for the solar panels & equipment

  • Elevation views (as required)

      Turnaround time: 1 to 2 business days

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Quality Solar Plan Sets For Efficient
Solar Permitting

Solar permit plan sets commonly include structural information, electrical components, engineering calculations, and solar equipment data. The GreenLancer network provides quality solar design and engineering services with short turnaround times for contractors and developers nationwide.

Greenlancer's Solar Permit Design Solutions

It can be time-consuming and costly for solar contractors to complete PV plan sets for solar permits, especially

for certain AHJs with rigorous requirements. The GreenLancer network of residential and commercial

solar permit specialists is ideal for contractors wishing to scale up their operations without costly overhead to accelerate solar permit approvals.

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Permit-ready Solar Plan Sets

Shop GreenLancer’s network of solar design services to find the ideal solar engineering fulfillment partner for your solar and energy storage needs.

GreenLancer Solar Design & Engineering Services

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PE stamps and reviews available in all 50 states

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PV installations, maintenance, repairs, and PTO remediation

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Streamline the solar interconnection process with utility companies

  • What is solar engineering?
    Solar energy engineering involves designing, developing, and managing systems that harness solar power for various applications, such as electricity generation, space heating, water heating, and lighting. Engineers in this field focus on optimizing solar technologies, including photovoltaic systems and solar thermal devices, to harness renewable energy from the sun.
  • What are professional engineering stamps?
    Many jurisdictions require licensed PE seals to obtain permits for a variety of projects, including architectural and structural drawings, mechanical and electrical plans, civil engineering designs, and environmental engineering reports. Many AHJs require engineering drawing stamps on solar plan sets to obtain permits. There are two primary types of PE stamps required for solar energy systems: an electrical engineering stamp and a structural engineering stamp.
  • What is a PE stamp for solar installations?
    The engineer's stamp or seal is a formal indication that the drawings comply with relevant engineering standards and codes. It signifies that the engineer takes responsibility for the accuracy and safety of the design. Solar engineering stamps provide assurance to authorities, inspectors, and stakeholders that a licensed professional engineer has reviewed and approved the solar permit design.
  • Are engineers licensed by the state or federal government?
    Professional engineers are regulated individually by each state in the United States by a licensing board. A license or registration obtained is applicable only within the state where it is issued. However, some engineers may hold licenses in multiple states to broaden their professional scope.
  • Does the GreenLancer marketplace have solar engineers nationwide?
    Greenlancer’s network of solar engineering companies is available in all 50 states, including Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Texas. Join the GreenLancer platform for free to shop our solar design engineering services.
  • What is authorization to interconnect to the power grid?
    The term "Authority to Interconnect" (ATI) in the solar power industry refers to the formal permission from the the electricity utility or grid operator to connect a solar PV system to the electrical grid. Interconnection is a crucial step in the process of integrating solar panels or other distributed energy resources into the existing electrical infrastructure. Key points related to solar interconnection include: Grid Connection Permission: The ATI is the authorization that allows a solar power system to be connected to the electrical grid. It signifies that the system meets the necessary technical and safety requirements. Compliance with Standards: Obtaining ATI involves demonstrating that the solar installation complies with relevant industry standards, safety protocols, and interconnection guidelines. Coordination with Utility: The process often involves coordination with the local utility company. This includes submitting necessary documentation, engineering studies, and ensuring that the solar system will operate safely and reliably within the existing grid infrastructure. Bi-Directional Energy Flow: Interconnection allows for the bidirectional flow of electricity. Solar energy systems can feed excess electricity back into the grid, and the system can draw power from the grid when solar energy output is insufficient. Net Metering and Billing: With an ATI in place, homeowners or businesses can often take advantage of net metering programs, where they receive credit for excess energy fed back into the grid and may be billed only for their net electricity consumption. It's important for individuals or businesses installing solar systems to work closely with their local utility and follow the established procedures for obtaining Authority to Interconnect. The process may vary by location and utility company, and compliance with interconnection requirements ensures the safe and efficient integration of solar power into the larger electricity grid.
  • What solar certifications are available for solar installers?
    The leading solar installer certifications are through the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP). This organization offers numerous certifications for solar system installation and sales professionals. In addition, many solar installers are licensed electricians.
  • How can I find a qualified solar installer?
    The GreenLancer network encompasses thousands of experienced solar contractors and electricians with extensive experience. Many of these contractors have solar energy certifications and are licensed in the states where they operate.
  • My solar installer went out of business. Who can fix my solar panels?
    Unfortunately, numerous solar PV companies have gone bankrupt in recent years, sometimes without completing the solar installation. Other companies have folded up, but the solar panels and inverters they installed are still under warranty.
  • Are solar contractors and installers licensed?
    Licensing requirements for solar panel installations vary by state. The Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) has a national solar licensing database with information on the requirements in each state. Most states require a licensed electrician to be involved with solar installations, and all PV systems must comply with National Electrical Code (NEC) requirements.
  • What is Permission to Operate (PTO) for a solar system?
    PTO for a solar power project refers to the official approval for a solar installation to begin operation. Before a solar power system can send electricity to the grid or serve on-site energy needs, it must go through a series of approvals and inspections to ensure compliance with safety, technical, and regulatory standards. PTO formally acknowledges that the solar system has been installed correctly, meets all necessary building and electrical code requirements, and is considered safe and compliant. This approval is a key milestone in the development of a solar project. Depending on the jurisdiction, it may involve coordination with local utility companies, solar permitting agencies, and other regulatory bodies.
  • What is solar PTO remediation?
    Some solar energy systems fail to receive PTO for various reasons. In some cases, the solar company didn’t complete the solar installation. In other cases, building or electrical code violations must be corrected. The GreenLancer network includes qualified solar contractors that can help a solar project obtain PTO status.
  • What electric utilities does the GreenLancer network work with for solar interconnections?
    Our team of solar interconnection specialists has extensive experience gaining authority to interconnect (ATI) approval from a variety of utility companies nationwide. We’ve worked with large investor-owned utility companies, small rural electric coops, and everything in between, including PG&E, Southern California Edison, Florida Power & Light, Georgia Power, Dominion Energy, DTE Energy, Duke Energy, Consumers Energy, Xcel Energy, and ComEd.
  • How long does the solar interconnection process take?
    Gaining solar interconnection approval typically takes anywhere from a couple of weeks to several months. In some cases, it might take longer if there are regulatory or technical challenges that need to be addressed, such as a transformer upgrade. It's important to follow established PV interconnection guidelines and ensure that all required solar installation documentation is submitted accurately and promptly to help expedite the interconnection process.
  • What does permission to operate (PTO) mean for a solar panel system?
    PTO is a document or certification issued by the relevant authorities or utility companies indicating that a solar energy system has met all the necessary requirements and is allowed to operate. Before a solar project can start generating electricity and feeding it into the power grid, it needs to go through a series of approvals and inspections to ensure compliance with safety, technical, and regulatory standards. Solar PTO is essentially a green light, stating that the solar installation is permitted and operates properly.
  • Why is the solar interconnection process so slow?
    The utility company's interconnection procedures and workload can affect the approval timeline. Some utilities have an efficient interconnection process, while others may experience delays due to high demand, inefficiencies, or administrative constraints. Also, the size and complexity of the solar power system can impact the interconnection approval timeline. Larger or more complex PV systems may require more thorough assessments and inspections. Utility companies usually need to add an electric meter or upgrade the existing one for net metering purposes, which can also delay interconnection approval.
  • What is a solar interconnection diagram?
    Solar interconnection drawings commonly include detailed diagrams and plans showing how a solar power system will be connected to the electrical grid, including both load and supply-side connections. These drawings are crucial for obtaining regulatory approvals and ensuring that the solar power system integrates seamlessly and safely with the existing electrical infrastructure. PV interconnection diagrams serve as a blueprint for contractors, solar technicians, inspectors, and utility companies involved in the solar interconnection process. Key elements of an interconnection diagram may include: Electrical Schematics Single-Line Diagrams Solar Equipment Layout Connection Point Details Safety Features Technical Specifications
  • What is a PG&E interconnection application?
    PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric Company) is a utility company that provides natural gas and electric services in Northern and Central California. PG&E has an interconnection application process for residential and commercial solar system owners looking to connect to the PG&E electrical grid. Obtaining interconnection permission involves submitting an application with diagrams and agreeing to an interconnection agreement.
  • What are solar plan sets?
    PV plan sets outline the design and specifications of a solar energy system. They include detailed drawings, single-line diagrams, and technical information required for the solar permitting process. Solar plan sets must demonstrate code and zoning compliance and facilitate the approval of solar installations by local authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs).
  • Do I need a permit for a solar installation?
    In most cases, you need a solar permit for a grid-tied solar energy installation to ensure safety and code compliance. However, solar permit regulations vary by location, but obtaining one is a common requirement to ensure that the solar system complies with electrical and building codes, and zoning requirements. This entails submitting solar permit drawings and other technical information.
  • What is solar permitting?
    Solar permitting requires gaining official approval for a residential or commercial solar energy system installation and utility interconnection. Some contractors use a solar design company to complete PV plan sets with engineering stamps when needed. Streamlining the solar permitting process helps contractors expand their business capabilities while cutting overhead costs.
  • What does the solar permitting process entail?
    The solar permitting process involves several steps to ensure that a PV system complies with local regulations and safety standards. The specific steps can vary by location but typically include: Permit application, including solar permit plans Permit review and approval by the AHJ Utility interconnection approval AHJ grants PV permit before the solar installation process Solar permit inspection from the local permitting office Obtaining final approval or permission to operate (PTO)
  • How does SolarAPP+ work?
    SolarAPP+ (Solar Automated Permit Processing Plus) is a tool developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to streamline the solar permitting process. It contains an online platform and a set of standardized solar design specifications. If the solar system meets the requirements, applicants can receive instant approval, dramatically reducing the time it takes to obtain a solar permit approval. However, only certain AHJs are using SolarAPP+ at this time.
  • Do I need an engineering stamp for a solar permit?
    Typically, you need a solar engineering stamp for PV permits when the local building department or relevant AHJ requires a licensed professional engineer to review and approve the solar plan sets. This often depends on the size and complexity of the solar installation, and specific regulations and codes in your area. Professional engineer (PE) stamps for solar energy systems involve an electrical, civil, or structural engineer reviewing solar plan designs and providing their “seal of approval.” Check with your local permitting office to determine if solar engineering wet stamps are needed. The GreenLancer solar permit service includes solar engineering design services, including engineering stamps when needed.
  • What is a solar feasibility study?
    This assessment explores if installing a solar energy system in a particular location is practical and financially viable. It examines factors including available sunlight, site conditions, solar PV system costs, and potential energy bill savings. A solar feasibility report helps decision-makers understand if a solar project is viable before implementing it.
  • How are solar energy savings calculated?
    The GreenLancer team estimates solar savings by considering the system's installed capacity, local solar irradiance, and electricity rates. The formula typically involves evaluating the annual energy production estimates of the solar panels using historical weather data and multiplying it by the cost per unit of electricity. This calculates the potential savings compared to purchasing grid power from the electricity company.
  • What is the payback period of a residential solar system?
    The average payback period for a home solar system is between 6 and 10 years if the homeowner qualifies for the federal solar tax credit and can take advantage of net metering programs. The solar payback period depends on factors like the PV system cost, the local climate, electricity prices, and available PV incentives and solar rebates. These are all critical variables when creating a solar feasibility report. Solar panel mounting system Rooftop solar systems usually have a lower upfront cost than ground-mounted solar projects. They commonly have lower labor and racking expenses because the roof provides a mounting structure for the solar panels. Battery energy storage Adding solar batteries usually extends the payback period of the PV system but provides additional benefits, such as electricity during power outages. Customers who pay time-of-use rates with the utility company and qualify for net metering programs can feed power back to the electricity grid during peak energy demand, saving more money on energy bills. Some states offer solar rebates for installing batteries, which can significantly reduce the payback period of the energy storage system. Some states with the best solar battery incentive programs are California, Oregon, Hawaii, and Massachusetts, but these programs are subject to change.
  • What is the payback period for a commercial solar system?
    The payback period for a commercial solar system varies, but it's generally around 5 to 8 years. Factors influencing the length include the solar project cost, local sunlight conditions, utility power rates, and available solar energy incentives. These are critical considerations for a GreenLancer solar feasibility study. Commercial solar energy system costs The PV project cost varies depending on numerous factors, such as the solar project capacity, solar panels and equipment quality, mounting system, labor expenses, and solar permitting and interconnection costs. Also, having a three-phase electrical supply allows for a more powerful three-phase solar inverter. The solar project site has a big impact on the cost of the system and subsequent maintenance. For example, if it is a ground-mounted solar array, there may be mowing expenses to prevent shading. Likewise, many projects will require a transformer upgrade, which the customer might be responsible for paying. However, many commercial projects involve solar power purchase agreements (PPAs), with third-party ownership. Solar PPAs usually don’t require an upfront investment, but it is critical to secure solar project financing. Solar resource Solar energy systems generate more electricity in an unshaded location, with an ideal orientation, in a sunny climate. A critical aspect of a solar feasibility analysis is determining the available solar resources. This is instrumental in generating solar array output estimates. Utility power rates Determining the electricity rate is critical for creating a solar feasibility report. Some businesses have demand charges, which may correlate with peak sun hours. If so, the solar array may help offset demand charges, leading to a greater reduction in operating expenses. Commercial Solar Energy Incentives Most businesses can take advantage of the solar investment tax credit (ITC) and bonus depreciation if they purchase the solar system and don’t enter into a PPA. Also, some utility or state solar incentives and government grants are available in some cases that can further reduce the total cost of the solar project. Solar system owners in states with Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC) markets can also generate income. However, SREC values can vary significantly by state and over time.
  • What is GreenLancer?
    GreenLancer is an online project management platform that provides solar, EV charging, and telecom design, permitting, and engineering solutions.
  • Who uses GreenLancer?
    GreenLancer is a business-to-business solution. It is intended for solar installers, EV charging station installers, roofers, homebuilders, home improvement contractors, financiers, and PV equipment distributors in need of design and solar permit services.
  • Can I get solar and EV charging station (EVCS) designs from the same platform?
    Currently, there are two separate login portals for solar and EVCS services, and it is necessary to create an account on each site to use both.
  • How do I log in to my GreenLancer Solar dashboard?
    First, you need to create a free account on the GreenLancer solar platform. Then, you can log into your account and start creating projects and shopping for GreenLancer design and solar engineering services at Enter your username and password to get started.​
  • What is your typical turnaround time for the Solar Permit Design Service?
    Once we’ve collected all the required PV project information, you can expect your completed solar plan set in 1-2 business days. However, some more complex commercial solar projects may have a longer turnaround time.
  • What happens if my solar permit gets rejected by the AHJ?
    If this happens, simply upload the red-lined permit design and other comments from the plan reviewer into the Discussion Tab of the service that was originally ordered. These revisions are typically completed free of charge.
  • How do I know if I need PE Stamps for a solar permit?
    We recommend that you become familiar with the local Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ’s) that you are working with. However, our professional network is familiar with the most popular AHJs. The first step of any Permit Design where an AHJ is not familiar to us is an “In-depth AHJ Study,” during which we reach out to the jurisdiction to acquire any information we can collect over the phone.
  • Are PE (Professional Engineering) Stamps included with the Solar Permit Design Service?
    No, PE Stamps, both electrical and structural, are sold as a separate service. AHJs don’t always require PE stamps for solar permits, so it’s offered as a separate service when it’s needed by our customers.
  • How do I log in to my GreenLancer EV dashboard?
    First, you need to create a free account on the GreenLancer solar platform. Then, you can log into your account and start creating projects and shopping for GreenLancer design and solar engineering services at Enter your username and password to get started.​
  • What is your typical turnaround time for an EVCS Permit Design Service?
    Once we’ve collected all the required EV charging station project information, you can expect your completed EVCS plan set in 14 business days.
  • Are PE Stamps included with the EV Charging Station Permit Design Service?
    Yes, PE Stamps, both electrical and structural, are included in our Permit Design Service. AHJs commonly require PE stamps for multi-family residential and commercial EV charging station permits. Therefore, electrical and structural engineering stamps are included in the Permit Design Service.
  • How do I recover a lost username or password?
    Click the “Forgot Password” button or reach out to [email protected] to recover a lost GreenLancer password.​
  • What is my Account Information?
    The Account Information is a series of fixed details that don’t change from project to project (i.e., contractor license number, office address, etc.). These details are shared with the EVC or solar energy professional for each EVCS or solar project design.
  • How can I change my Account Information?
    Schedule an appointment with your Account Manager or call (866) 436-1440 and select option 1 to speak to a representative who will assist you in making changes.
  • How can I add users to my GreenLancer account?
    First, log into your GreenLancer account. Then, click the Account Profile link in the upper right corner of the customer dashboard. You will then see the Users tab, where you can access adding/changing/removing user functions.
  • How can I get better pricing on engineering and solar design services?
    We offer bulk pricing discounts to qualifying clients. Please contact your GreenLancer account manager or call (866) 436-1440, Option 1 for details.
  • What geographical locations can GreenLancer assist with EVCS & solar design services?
    GreenLancer offers solar energy and EVCS design and engineering services in all 50 states and all U.S. territories. This is particularly important with clean energy engineering services because engineers must be licensed in the state(s) where they operate. For example, if you are working on a solar or EVCS project in Las Vegas, the engineer must be licensed in Nevada.
  • How do I pay for GreenLancer design & engineering services?
    In your account, you can set up your preferred credit or debit card. When checking out your completed service, you will be able to select from the payment options you set up.
  • How will I know when my GreenLancer design and engineering services are ready?
    You will receive an email notification with a link to download your completed design and engineering deliverables.
  • What if I want to change the design after I have purchased a GreenLancer service?
    Simply send a message to the professional design firm via the GreenLancer platform. Leave a message and upload files, and your message will be sent directly to the clean energy design professional. You will receive an email confirmation once the revisions have been made. Additional charges may apply for system design changes and as-builts.
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